Archive | January 26, 2017

Japan Obliterates Snow Records, China’s Oranges Crop Six Weeks Late & N.Korea Ag Sector

12 dolphins have stranded and died this month in Asturias, Spain

Image of a dolphin who died stranded among stones on the Asturian coast
At least a dozen dolphins have been stranded so far this month on the Asturian coast. “Some came alive and died in the sand unattended, and all were thrown away for several days, even weeks, without being withdrawn,” they explain from the Coordinator for the Study and Protection of Marine Species (Cepesma), whose members will give a Step more to recover the network of strandings that was inoperative just a year ago requesting a meeting with officials of the Ministry of Environment. “Cepesma’s stranding network appears as such in the ministry’s marine conservation strategy and has been canceled by the counselor with the result we are already seeing,” says Carlos Solares, Cepesma volunteer who in June of last year delivered 83,000 signatures In the Ministry of the Environment to claim that the collaboration of the Principality with this network that had been active for 20 years would be resumed. Of the dozen dolphins killed so far this year, three appeared in Llanes, two in Tapia de Casariego, two in Castrillón, a couple in Luarca and three last ones in Verdicio, Villaviciosa and Colunga. One of the last ones appeared last Thursday on the beach of Cuevas del Mar with a paper that, according to the Cepesma, said, “do not touch, we will pick it up.” Solares, through the collective Fauna Urbana de Gijón (collaborator of the Cepesma), opened yesterday a new collection campaign of signatures on to request the Ministry to end the death of marine animals on the coast of Asturias. “The decision to inspire the network of strandings without having viable alternatives for the care of marine fauna, without adequate means or trained personnel, is resulting in a real disaster of corpses lying on the beaches,” they explain from the Cepesma. They also remember that last June all the political groups of the General Board approved by absolute majority a proposal not of law in which it was urged to resume immediately the collaboration with the network of collection of beached animals of the Cepesma and that, in the absence Of news by the socialist government, began a collection of signatures that, at present, sum almost 90,000 supports. In October, the UI parliamentary group raised a question about the fulfillment of this non-law proposition without an answer so far.
Nine dolphins killed in 2016 Throughout 2016, the first year of 20 without the network of strandings, the balance that appears in the Cepesma was that of seven dolphins killed “without attention”, two other dead “with inadequate attention”, a seal released with “inadequate attention “And another more liberated” without taking into account that his condition was not yet adequate. ” Of all this, and of the corpses that have been appearing this first month of 2017, the ministry will be informed with the preparation of an informative dossier. The collaboration between Cepesma and Principado began to worsen in November 2015, when the volunteers from the network of beached animals were warned from 112 to participate in the rescue of a seal breeding in the cliffs of Llanes. “Twelve people were displaced by a red light storm alert with strong winds, rain and eight-meter waves, and after two hours of searching, the Cepesma coordinator was notified that a guard had located the animal and the counseling had Given order to put it in the trunk of his car and deliver it to the aquarium of Gijón, all without warning the team of Cepesma ‘that continued with the search. After asking for explanations, in the counseling “they escudaron in their competences in wild fauna to tell us that they can do what they want and how they want”. In January of last year a meeting was held between the two parties in which, from the Ministry of Commitment, they committed to elaborate a renewal of the agreement, which had been broken following the previous incident, within a period of 15 days, which also did not arrive . “Asturias does not have any center for the recovery of marine fauna, trained personnel or means for rescue operations, which is giving rise to the greatest disaster of marine animal deaths in the recent history of Asturias, which could and Should have been avoided. We went back to the 80s, when in Asturias there was absolutely no one who bothered to have adequate capacity to prevent his death, “they lament.
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Hundreds of crabs and fish have died in Queensland, Australia

Fish Kill Alert
Eighty fish have washed up dead in south-west Queensland and hundreds of crabs have also perished on a south-east island amid extreme conditions.
It is estimated 77 Murray cod and three golden perch have died since Saturday morning in the Ward River, near Charleville.
The local Fishing and Restocking Club president believed the deaths were caused by a “black water event” after years of drought followed by heavy rainfall.
“Dirty water has washed down and took all the oxygen out of our river and it’s killed a lot of cod,” he said.
“All the stagnant water sits in the water holes with all the leaf matter, when you get a bit of a run [in the river] it just takes the oxygen out of the water.
Mr Ward said the fish deaths occurred at a popular fishing spot, which was devastating for tourists, however those caught in the river can still be eaten.
While the fish deaths seem to have settled down, Mr Ward said more were possible.
“Hopefully everything will go alright and there will be plenty of fish for the tourists and everyone to catch,” Mr Ward said.
“We’ve got a bit of a run now so hopefully it’s washed all that black water away, but you never know.”
The fishing club has been restocking the local rivers since 1992.
Since then, they have added 51,300 cod and 604,000 yellow belly in the Warrego and Ward rivers.
The Charleville Fishing and Restocking Club has notified The Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and is waiting for test results from the Murweh Regional Council.
A mass die off of crabs and yabbies also occurred in the past few days in Mermaid Lagoon on Bribie Island, off Brisbane.
It comes after a five-day heatwave saw temperatures reach more than 35C in and near Brisbane.
The crustaceans lined the lagoon, appearing to have all died around the same time.
“The Department of Environment and Heritage said natural conditions are the likely cause, in particular the recent hot weather and low water levels,” a department spokesperson said.
“Marine and freshwater fauna can be adversely impacted when weather conditions result in low dissolved oxygen in the water.”
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Thousands of dead herring found washed up in Bjorndal fjord, Norway

Bjørnenak found the sight was so unusual that she filmed the phenomenon when she passed fjord between Bo and Sortland Vesterålen.
– It was perhaps fish along a 500 meter stretch, tells Bjørnenak (39), who believes that the fish may have been intimidated by the whale.
It was her children, Oliver and Dinah Bjørnenak Solheim who discovered the herring family drove home from nice to stay for the weekend.
Bjørnenak told VG that she has never seen anything similar.
Bjørnenak tells VG that the fish had not begun to rot.
Courtesy of

3,000+ birds killed due to bird flu in Dhaka, Bangladesh

Bird Flu
Bangladesh discovered two outbreaks of the highly contagious H5N1 bird flu virus in poultry last week, according to reports from the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and a senior Bangladeshi health ministry official on Monday.
A first case was found at a poultry farm in Dhamrai, just outside the capital, Dhaka. Out of 3,000 Sonali type poultry at risk from the outbreak, 732 died from the virus and the rest were slaughtered, according to the Paris-based OIE.
The other outbreak was found in a village in the Western district of Rajshahi where about 450 backyard poultry died from the virus, a senior health ministry official, who asked not to be named as he is not authorized to talk to media, told Reuters.
“There is no reason to panic, people should inform us if they see birds are dying,” he said, adding there had been no case of human infection in the country.
Bangladesh was first hit by bird flu in 2007, when more than a million birds were culled.
Different strains of bird flu have been spreading across Europe and Asia since late last year, leading to mass culling of poultry in certain countries and some human deaths in China.
This prompted the World Health Organization to call on all countries on Monday to monitor closely outbreaks of the deadly virus in birds and poultry and to report promptly any human cases that could signal the start of a flu pandemic.
Like the H7N9 strain that is spreading in China, and as opposed to the H5N8 hitting Europe and the Middle East, the H5N1 strain can infect humans if they are in close contact with infected live or dead birds.
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